
Marten Sport

Marten Sport Technologies

Marten Sport (Yulia Kunitza) trainings technique

Translighters technologies by Dr. Sergey Avdeev and Kirill Korotkov

Translighters Devices – Human Potential Movement Equipment

Translighters Digital – Files with Translighters Functions

Translighters Games – Human potential movement games

Marten Sport
Marten Sport Technologies

Technologies developed by Dr. Kozhemyakin

Alexander Kozhemyakin inventor of MyStoneAK TOM devicesStella Equipment (professional medical equipment for clinics and hospitals), BioCor for Bio-Well and other EHF and IR devices

Alexander Kozhemyakin is the author of technologies that work at the cell level. 

Millimeter therapy formed the basis for the operation of the AK TOM, CEM-TECH and Stella-2 devices, which are also unique developments of Dr. Kozhemyakin.

Dynamic Vision Board

Hi-End technologies