Marten Sport Apps

Marten Sport Beauty Apps

MyStone App for free

Innovative Technologies boosting beauty, well-being and health

The app enables the use of MyStone® device

MyStone® is an innovative product that activates biological processes with electromanetic waves of low intensity,  vitalizes the body’s natural energy and supports the transport processes in the skin?

Different applications of the app support different processes within the body.

The applications Skin Beauty and ProSkin Care help to achieve a visibly youthful appearance, a smooth skin and an optimal tissue regeneration. 

The microcirculation of blood in the capillaries of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and fluid in the intercellular matrix is improved. It provides an optimal supply of nutrients, minerals and oxygen to the skin cells and tissue and stabilizes the elastic extracellular structures of the skin (collagen, fibrin, etc.). The improvement of microcirculation promotes cell renewal, firmer skin and optimal recovery from the stress of everyday life.

MyStone start

A stimulated microcirculation in combination with the special MyStone® Anti-Aging-Serum can significantly enhance the effect: It activates the metabolism and leads to better absorption of ingredients by transporting them more effectively to deeper layers of the skin. This creates a lasting Anti-Aging effect.

The applications MyStone® Skin Relaxation und Pickel Ex pamper and calm the skin and let disturbing local inflammations, insect bites or pimples heal faster. 

The self-healing power of the body is activated to accelerate the healing process. The balancing effect of the applications supports the immune response of the body. The skin will in balance and heals.

MyStone® Anti-Stress efficiently and quickly removes the effects of harmful stress that can result from work related tension, very intensive athletic training, lack of sleep or other influences.and ,therefore, improves the overall well-being. 

Stress is an activation reaction of our body balancing the interaction with the environment (homeostasis). if the stress levels are too high The body is put in imbalance and under chronic tension. By activating the body’s protective system (stimulation of Parasympaticus, dullness of Sympaticus) the physiological reactions are minimised and the stress levels are actively addressed.

MyStone App
MyStone App

MyStone® Immun Pro strengthen your immune system reliably when the immune response is decreased by external factors (stress). Being overworked, emotional conflicts, drastic climatic changes or vigorous physical activity (intensive training) after a period of inactivity can lead to a lower immune response: The entire immune system is weakened. 

The protective and regulatory systems of the organism will be activated by stimulating the endocrine system and the production of immune cells. The organism can react effectively against environmental influences and health-threatening changes inside the body.

Sport and Health applications will be added on new version of the MyStone software

Available on Mac Store and Google Play

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